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A Cleaner Tampa Bay Starts With You. 

Take Action Today


River & Coastal Cleanups


Annual Cleanups


Local Litter Hotspots 

What Volunteers Do

River & Coastal Cleanups

Our coastal beaches and rivers need your help. From microplastics to cigarette butts to tires, Tampa Bay waterways are riddled with litter. Volunteers like you can help clean these coasts to ensure that their beauty remains for years to come.

Annual Cleanups

Every year, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful will host mass cleanup opportunities where volunteers can come together to beautify the environment as well as our surrounding communities. Not only will you  make a significant impact on the planet, but you'll be connecting with more awesome and environmentally conscious people such as yourself. 

Hot Spots

In the Tampa Bay area, there are specific locations which are crowded with greater amounts of litter than others. We like to call these "Hot Spots". With your help, we can eliminate these hot spots completely, resulting in cleaner neighborhoods and happier residents. 

How Do I Become A Volunteer?

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